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VV optimization From the foregoing discussion
VV optimization From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that AV delay programming to ensure ventricular preexcitation with optimal LV diastolic filling and systolic function is complex, and the optimal method that translates into improved patient outcomes is uncertain. These issues are even more
It is generally agreed that
It is generally agreed that a previous history of aborted cardiac arrest, syncope, presence of a spontaneous type-1 ECG, and male gender are significant predictors of further arrhythmic events [5,7,10,11,32,33]. Risk stratification Exercise testing Some clinical studies have reported the augm
br Conclusion br Acknowledgments br Introduction The bone is
Conclusion Acknowledgments Introduction The bone is the most common site of tumor metastasis, in about 20–25% of cancer patients [1]. Bone metastases are most common from carcinomas of the breast, lung, prostate, kidney, and thyroid. Some bone metastases are osteoclastic, whereas others are
En Introducci n Bases filos ficas del
En “Introducción. Bases filosóficas del poema” (11-34), Evodio Escalante une los tres hilos de las grandes madejas que considera fundamentales para entender el origen y los alcances de este poema filosófico: Heidegger, Nietzsche y de Gorostiza. La presentación es gradual y va de la mera conexión an
Eligio Mar a Ancona Castillo naci en la ciudad
Eligio María Ancona Castillo nació en la ciudad de Mérida, el 1° de diciembre de 1836. Después de cursar los estudios elementales en la escuela de su padre, inició los cursos preparatorios en el Seminario Conciliar de San Ildefonso. Más tarde se inscribió en la Universidad del Estado para iniciar la
Participants identified the most important values that shoul
Participants identified the most important values that HZ-1157 cost should inform the NHHRA, proposing that research topics focus on vulnerable populations, improve the health system of Papua New Guinea, and contribute to decision-making and policy-making (). After research topics were identified f
tgf beta receptor Much of the focus of expert and public att
Much of the focus of expert and public attention has been on HIV treatment, including test and treat (ie, treatment as prevention) strategies. This is understandable. Treatment for HIV has become extraordinarily effective, costs have dropped substantially during the past two decades, and the potenti
The long term goal of independence
The long-term goal of independence of recipients and sustainability of projects must remain at the forefront of all programmes. The post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been criticised as being too general and impractical, and as we move into the SDG era this study has identified a ne
La fotograf a reforz el car cter militarista del
La fotografía reforzó el carácter militarista influenza a virus del pgt-pc. El ajusticiamiento de Zepeda Martínez perdió su fuerza política al carecer de los mecanismos de propaganda que acompañan una acción de este tipo. Si bien los recursos gráficos explotados por el periodismo difundieron la muer
En este mapeo las revistas
En este mapeo, las revistas que se destacan son Polis, de la Universidad Bolivariana de Chile, con 28 trabajos que mencionan trospium chloride Morin, Educere, de la Universidad de los Andes de Venezuela, con 17 artículos que citan a Morin, y EccoS, de la Universidade Nove de Julho (uninove) de Brasi
br Discussion The excimer laser generator and the laser
Discussion The excimer laser generator and the laser sheath allow for the extraction of leads while freeing them from the site of adhesion by making use of photoablation induced by the energy of ultraviolet rays. Since its approval in 1997 by the US Food and Drug Administration, the use of excime
perifosine br Conclusion br Conflict of interest br Case
Conclusion Conflict of interest Case report A 65-year-old woman with permanent atrial fibrillation was admitted with diastolic perifosine failure (HF) secondary to rapid ventricular response. She had undergone single chamber pacemaker implantation (Boston Scientific Ingenio SR) two years ea
Human ether a go go related gene HERG encodes
Human-ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) encodes the α-subunit of rapidly-activating delayed-rectifier potassium A-443654 that generate IKr. This outward potassium current is elicited during the plateau phase of action potentials and is required for repolarization [4]. After being translated in the
nrf2 inhibitor br Commentary The concept of
Commentary The concept of entrainment mapping for ablation of VT is that targeting the site will interrupt the reentrant VT circuit. This site must be located, not only within the circuit, but also in a protected and relatively narrow isthmus. During entrainment mapping, the QRS morphology, S-QRS
In patients with surgically corrected
In patients with surgically corrected CHD, the anatomic position of the atriotomy scar as the arrhythmogenic substrate is commonly found in the free wall and not in the septum [8]. The cause of this large area of low voltage (“atrial myopathy”) is unclear. Possible explanations include interruption
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